Together for progress
The Peaches Group is made up of several highly relevant companies with a clear orientation towards science and technology applied to health, contributing to the development and well-being of society.

Living Cells
This is a public-private contract between Peaches and the Fuenlabrada University Hospital (HUF).
The University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, in its R+D+i strategy, develops the Bioincubator for Research and Innovation in its facilities and its objective is to promote translational projects in the areas of Oncology – Hematology, Advanced Therapies: Cell Therapy, Regenerative Medicine, Gene Therapy, Immunotherapy, Genomics and Innovative Biomedical Technologies and Services.
Peaches’ work with the Living Cells Bioincubator will be the management, incubation and promotion of projects in the bio-medical and bio-technological field applied to health through lines of work whose objective is the development of new therapies or new diagnostic and prognostic mechanisms. of diseases or the use of medical services and technologies and ICT applications (data science) linked to the Biomedical R+D+i sector.
Giving them new capabilities to develop more efficient and innovative products, services and solutions with a high impact on optimizing healthcare systems and the quality of life of citizens.
The Living Cells strategy is based on maximizing synergies between the different actors of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, being a dynamic agent that ensures the transfer of R&D of Excellence to Patients.
Living Cells aims to be a European reference leader at a strategic, operational level and in support of the regulatory environment in the biocluster of advanced therapies in Europe and will allow speeding up times in clinical trials and research projects in Therapy Advanced Cellular.
This high-tech facility at the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada (HUF) of 1,500 square meters, consists of an area that will have a white room for advanced cell therapy, where research and clinical trials necessary for the generation of new drugs can be carried out. .
Lyposmol Biotech
Lyposmol Biotech is a leading company in the development and distribution of biotechnological products applied to Regenerative Medicine and Genetics.
With collaboration agreements and open clinical studies with the main hospitals in the country.

C/ Isabel Colbrand 6
4ª Planta B
28050 Madrid (Spain)
L - J : 9:00–18:00 hs
V : 9:00–15:00 hs