R&D projects
The Peaches Group focuses its research efforts on its own Clinical Trials for Innovation in Regenerative Medicine with Universities, Hospitals and Public and Private Research Centers of international excellence to develop value-added products, technologies and services for cell therapy within the reach of different specialties. medical and beneficial for millions of patients with maximum safety and effectiveness.
Pancreatic cancer treatment – Personalized therapy with ‘Organoid Primer T cells’
Pancreatic cancer is a type of silent cancer that, when diagnosed, has practically no solution, it does not show its face until it is developed. Mortality with pharmacological treatments is very high, the survival rate is less than 5^, only 5 out of 100 people diagnosed after 5 years of treatment manage to overcome it.
Chemotherapy treatments are not giving the desired results and associations between different chemotherapeutics fail to improve results.
In recent years, the Madrid-based Translational Oncology research group in Fuenlabrada, in collaboration with researchers from Harvard University in Boston and Weill Cornel University in New York, directed by Dr. Hidalgo, has worked applying a model based on immunology, in educating the autologous immune defense cells of our organism, preparing them, educating them to destroy the cancer cells that inhabit the pancreas.
Immunotherapy has been the latest revolution in cancer therapies.
One of the current strategies in immunotherapy is the so-called adoptive cell therapy (ACT). This approach is based on using the patient’s own immune cells to attack the cancer.
The application of this highly innovative and promising approach to patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PCA) could provide a paradigm shift and potentially prevent recurrence of this highly fatal disease.
Together with the Translational Oncology Unit of the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada and developing the technology in the cellular production salt of Living Cells, the Bioincubator of biotechnological companies of the Fuenlabrada hospital managed by the Peaches Biotech Group, a study is being carried out for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
The research group led by Dr. Manuel Hidalgo, leading researcher in pancreatic cancer worldwide, has been a pioneer in the development of preclinical platforms used in translational cancer research. The group is currently part of the Translational Oncology Unit of the Fuenlabrada University Hospital and continues to use models in vivo (Patient Derived Xenograft o modelo Avatar) e in vitro (Patient Derived Organoid or Organoid) for the development of biomarkers related to the detection of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and for personalized and precision medicine.
In this project, the objective is to generate autologous T cells from peripheral blood, whose target would be the patient’s own tumor. These lymphocytes would co-culture with cancer cells. of the patient himself, in the presence of cytokines, to allow the activation and expansion of T cells and the destruction of tumor cells. The result of the processes of amplification and activation of the lymphocytes would be the opT cells (organoid primed T cells) that would have the capacity to effectively destroy autologous tumor cells with high efficiency. opT cells will be characterized to demonstrate that they express activation of central memory markers.
The results in animals are demonstrating a very high efficacy.
The information obtained could be transferred to the patients, adapting the treatments and positively influencing the course of the disease.
Promoted by Peaches Group.
Treatment and prevention of the cytokine storm of Covid-19
Together with the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, a study is being carried out for the prevention and treatment of the current international health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic associated with infection by the SARS COV-2 virus.
It is expected that it will soon see the light and allow the recovery of the thousands of people affected by this pandemic, with a possible positive result in terms of the prevention and treatment of the cytokine storm associated with COVID-19.
The study is based on treatment with a cytokine concentrate derived from type m2 macrophages and adult mesenchymal stem cells extracted from adipose tissue (PRS® CK STORM).
The test would be carried out in the Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, led by Dr. Pedro Lapuente as Associate Secondary Researcher to the Company, Dr. Fernando Bermejo San José as Principal Investigator/Scientific Promoter, Dr. Juan Víctor San Martín López as Clinical Principal Investigator, Dr. Mario García Gil as Pharmaceutical Responsible Researcher, Dra. Alicia Algaba García as Study Coordinator, María del Pilar Heredia Reina as Study Nurse.
Promoted by the Peaches Group.
Treatment to destroy cancerous tumors
At the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, within the framework of the LIVING CELLS Bioincubator and based on the patent ‘GRANULISINA, OBTENTION METHOD AND USES (PCT/EP2019/069979)’ developed by the University of Zaragoza, PEACHES BIOTECH, which owns the rights of exploitation, it will carry out clinical trials for the treatment of cancerous tumors and especially colon cancer.
The importance of this cancer lies in the fact that it is the one with the highest incidence worldwide. In fact, one in 20 men and 30 women will suffer from colon cancer before the age of 70, with a 54% survival rate at 5 years. In economic terms, this problem represents an average annual cost per patient of €6,700.
The study is based on the use of granulysin, which is a protein produced by killer T cells and natural killer cells (or NK cells). We have verified in the laboratory its cytolytic activity against tumor cell lines, because it induces cell death by apoptosis. Studies carried out in in vivo models of tumor development (breast adenocarcinoma, multiple myeloma, melanoma) by intratumoral administration have already demonstrated its effectiveness, indicating that it may also have an antitumor NK cell activation effect.
In a next step using this patent, it is intended to produce recombinant proteins, resulting from the fusion of granulysin with the corresponding antigenic recognition fragments of antibodies that recognize tumor antigens. In this way we will improve the directness of granulisin towards certain tumors to allow systemic treatment, much more adapted to clinical use than intratumoral administration.
These studies are led by Dr. Anel and Dr. Lapuente, who have already started in vivo experimentation in development models of HT29 colon carcinoma and HeLa-CEA cervical tumor in athymic mice with positive results.
Promoted by the Peaches Group.
The project “Tumour marking with Granulysin-based immunotoxins” has been funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033 and by the European Union-NextGenerationEU/PRTR through the Public-Private Partnership 2021 programme. Its overall objective is to develop new granulysin-based immunotoxins with anti-tumour activity targeting solid tumours. This is a collaborative business project between READY 4 TRADING S.L.(LIVINGCELLS), PEACHES S.L., BIOCROSMO S.L. and the University of Zaragoza.

Treatment for muscle regeneration
Within the framework of the Bioincubator LIVING CELLS, is conducting a clinical trial to produce an allogeneic biological drug based on the PRS® (Selective Rich Plasma) patent (EP19382247.5), from PEACHES BIOTECH, which achieves immunomodulation that induces regeneration phenomena in muscle achieves immunomodulation that induces regeneration phenomena in muscle
45^ of the general Spanish population practices a sport and 68^ of them suffer an annual injury (38^ ILT). In every 1,000 hours of training, 100 injuries occur. In ordinary life, the 30^ of workers suffer from at least one tendinosis, and the increase in physical exercise in the population exponentially increases everyday injuries. In Europe, biological companies for the treatment of sports injuries have a turnover of more than €500M.
The competition market for PRS is that of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), of which more than 45M treatments are carried out in the world. presents growth of more than 13% per year, with more than 135M treatments and 41,000 M$ of billing expected in 4 years.
This PEACHES BIOTECH clinical trial bases its solution on cellular immunomodulation to stimulate the regeneration of injured tissues with selective growth factors generated by monocytes in co-culture with myocytes and tenocytes.
It has the same legal consideration as PRP, but it separates the specific factors of a specific tissue from the rest, allowing immediate selective treatment, reducing physiological recovery times from injury by 50^ compared to PRP, optimizing regeneration and avoiding fibrosis.
The principal investigator of this trial in which PEACHES is acting as promoter is Dr. Ramón Cugat Bartomeu, Co-director of the service of traumatology of Hospital Quirón. He is President of the foundation García Cugat for Biomedical research and Head of Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery of the Mountain Patronal Mutual.
Promoted by the Peaches Group.
Treatment of Localized Neuropathic Pain with PRS® Microglia
The NEUROPAINBOOST clinical trial is designed to treat Neuropathic Pain, which appears without the need for a real threat, is a disease of the nervous system known as Trigeminal Neuralgia or suicide disease, the most painful disease in the world.
The objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of PRS® Microgliain the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain, in order to prevent the antigenic recognition of SAPS and DAMPS by neuronal microglia and restore their normal functioning.
The trial will be carried out at the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, directed by Dr. David Abejón, Specialist in Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy, RAMON Y CAJAL Tenured Academician, Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP), Award for Health Excellence in 2018 and International Opinion Leader in Pain Treatment.
Promoted by the Peaches Group.
Treatment with SVF of Gonarthrosis II-III by intra-articular infiltration
The GONACELL clinical trial is designed to study the safety and feasibility of the ADSC System Kit for the treatment of grade II-III gonarthrosis (knee osteoarthritis) by using the Vascular Stromal Fraction (SVF) obtained from the patient’s own adipose tissue. through a simple outpatient procedure. The Vascular Stromal Fraction is a heterogeneous group of cells with a high content of cell progenitors, among which are mesenchymal stem cells, with known immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, which through synergistic mechanisms, acts on osteoarthritis, slowing down its evolution. of the disease and promoting the regeneration of joint tissues.
The objective of the project is to consolidate the use of the ADSC System Kit as the treatment of choice for osteoarthritis of the knee, adapting it to the new regulations.
The trial will be carried out at the Infanta Leonor University Hospital in Madrid, directed by the Head of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service, Professor Ricardo Larraínzar.
Promoted by the Peaches Group.
Surgical Scar Optimization
The SCARBOOST clinical trial is designed to Optimize the healing process after surgical wounds, through the implantation of 100 million ADSC Allogeneic cells expanded and adsorbed on a Hyaluronic Acid Carrier.
Performed in the same surgical act by means of a simple process of local injection during the closure of the surgical wound.
The ability to treat skin lesions to heal without fibrosis would revolutionize the treatment of lacerations, surgical incisions, and burns, and alleviate an enormous amount of suffering.
The trial will be carried out at the Vall D’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, directed by the Head of the Plastic Surgery and Burns Service, Dr. Joan Pere Barret, the doctor who has performed 2 of the 30 face transplants that have been done in the world .
Promoted by the Peaches Group.
There is still a long way to go
For this reason, we continue to investigate in different fields such as:
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