Interview with Juan Carlos de Gregorio, Peaches CEO

The publication specialised in biotechnology, Farmabiotec, has given us the opportunity to share our opinion as science researchers of the present and future of biotechnology. Juan Carlos de Gregorio, founder and CEO of the company, says: “the biotechnology sector is going to provide, in the very near future as we are moving very fast, medical and clinical solutions that will give us access to a much more democratic medicine”.

This is our mission, to improve people’s health by creating new biomedicines that are accesible and less costly to produce.

We recommend that you read this comprehensive interview with Juan Carlos de Gregorio, who has been working in the biotechnology sector for twenty years. In the publication you will see that he talk about topics such as our research model PRS (selective rich plasma), a model of drug production based on co-culture and cell signalling for tissue regeneration; what our LivingCells bioincubator consists of and the use of the most innovative technology in our company.

You can read here a free translation of the interview:Meeting Peaches Biotech

Remember that we are focused on the creation of drugs based on advanced therapies, especially with secretomes, a set of cytokines obtained from the communication of stem cells with the cells of different tissues, or T-lymphocyte re-education, which will allow patients to take advantage of new therapeutic options that will have less economic impact on the health system, will be more accessible to patients, easier to handle for clinicians and break with current models.

Our main areas of the company’s research work are the PRS, Selective Rich Plasma and opTcells process based on Peaches Biotech’s license of the Harvard Medical School BIDMC patent for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.